You know when you meet someone, and as you learn more about them, you realize you have so much in common that your paths were meant to cross at some point?!? Like… how in the world did we not meet until now? Well, that’s how I feel about Alison + Justin. We must be connected cosmically or something, because seriously, I feel like Alison must be my long lost sister and Justin, my hubby’s long lost cousin.
First, they’re both ASU alumns, as am I… go Sun Devils! Alison and I have the same go-to coffee order: Hazelnut Latte, we both have a serious affinity for Roger Clyne & the Peacemakers, and are both from Colorado & love the Broncos (full disclosure… I’m officially a Cardinals fan and have been for many years now… gotta’ root for my permanent home team… I have been a desert girl for a long time now. But I will still root for Denver in any AFC game since they are my original “home town” team). But basically… we could very well have met at any one of a ba-zillion events in our lives! Justin is from West Virginia (where my hubby, Ben, went to college), loves Casey Moore’s (Ben will jump at a chance for fresh oysters), is a “holiday baby” with a New Year’s Eve birthday (Ben’s is Valentines), and proposed to Alison in Mexico (Ben and I met there!)!!!! And to top it off, we’re proud parents to crazy, loyal, long-nosed, short-haired, awesome rescue pups. I mean…. We’re like dopplegangers here!! Not in our looks or a “scary evil twin” kind of way… but definitely in the “we really should be pals because this must be kismet” sort of way! Hahaha!
So, strolling around downtown Tempe and at ASU for their engagement session was… well… super fitting and a lot like hanging out with great friends! And these two were just so sweet and fun and obviously head-over-heels for each other. I absolutely adored my time with them, and I am so grateful that our paths have finally crossed!
Congratulations Alison and Justin! I CAN NOT WAIT for your wedding at The Buttes later this fall! 💕
©Mindy Deluca, Life Story Photography.
I loved your work and have been looking for someone in Phoenix to capture my engagement!
What a lovely engagement session! I love this urban vibe! I was wondering if you travel for engagement sessions as well as weddings? Looking for a destination photographer! I’ll message you!
Hi Olivia! I love to travel, and am excited to hear all about your destination wedding!!